Sunday, October 19, 2008

fall fashion...

i am almost 6 months.

i am rocking my upgrade on my bugaboo seat because i am big. i am doing my abs of steel workout so that i can sit up on soon.

i was only 10 days old when we took this pic.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

tricks up my sleeve

i am 5 months old now. i have some new moves...
stand up
bobble head when i get excited
squeaks and squeals when i talk
pounding a bottle when i am hungry
sticking out my tongue
taking my bink in and out of my mouth

Thursday, September 4, 2008

frequent flier miles

so i had my first trip on a plane. mom and dad decided that a 20 hr roadtrip to va beach was not worth it this holiday weekend. good choice mom and dad. instead, we flew. our airline of choice was southwest. mom says we did that because babies are welcome there and if i freaked out it would be fine. i didn't freak though. mom and dad were SUPER proud of me.

we went back to see g.g... we had a good time. we watched some more westerns. sat on the porch. and enjoyed some ocean breezes...

thanks for a fun weekend g.g.!

Friday, August 22, 2008

my summer...

my new lounge chair...kickin' it bumbo style

this is my g.g. (great grandma). she is 96 and still as sharp as a tack. we are watching a western together. in case you didn't know, i was named after her. her name is evelyn. why? i started to make my entrance on the tail end of her 96th bday, april 27th. i was born on april 28th. that's why i am raleigh evelyn.

me and my dad walking on the beach in sandbridge...

getting some love from my peeps...aunt stacy, cousin bub, and finley....

seriously. cereal

the pediatrician "approved" R for food on thursday. yesssssssssssssssssssss. dave wants her to start training to be in the nathan's hot dog eating contest.

the voice you hear on the video is R's new BFF (a.k.a. the nanny, Megan).

thanks for the video, Megan. you rock.

rock n roll

this is the first post as team fogel nadler. good times. because our peeps are all over the place, we are going to use this as a way to keep in touch. don't worry about calling or writing, you can just check us out.

as the mom, i have promised to try update this weekly with our family low lights and highlights.
